Site owner 

31 allée des Thomasses
Zone Espace Leaders
74540 Alby-sur-Chéran - FRANCE

Tel: +33 974 777 447

SIRET: 35037251200037

Publication director : DEMAGNY Alicia - Marketing Manager


Intellectual property : 

This entire site is subject to country and international copyright and intellectual property laws. 

All reproduction rights are reserved, including for iconographic and photographic documents.

This site is hosted by : 

Rue Eugène-Marziano
1127 Geneva - Switzerland

This site was created by : 

39 Rue Adrastée
Tél : +33 (0)4 50 65 25 96
Email :

Hyperlinks : 

The site points to many other websites.

Prolutech cannot be held responsible for the content and privacy policy of these sites. Prolutech cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage that may result from their use: in particular concerning the access to those sites and sites linked to those sites, and damage, without limitation, financial or commercial losses, loss of business, loss of data, even if we have been notified of them beforehand. 

Privacy policy : 

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) coming into force on May 25th, 2018, defines the principles to be respected when collecting, processing and storing personal data. It also guarantees the rights of the persons concerned. 

1 : Objectives 

The collection of data on the site aims to create a management file for Prolutech prospects and customers.

This file is used for statistical purposes, to contact and/or offer relevant content to contacts.

2 : Relevance of data 

In order to best follow the interest shown by Prolutech prospects and customers, the file collects all information from visitors regarding identity, professional information and their activity on the site In accordance with the Data Protection Act, information relating to racial or ethnic origins, prolitical, philosophical or religious opinions, trade union membership, health or a person's sex life is not collected and is prohibited (sensitive data).

3 : Lawfulness of processing and conditions applicable to consent (art.6 and art.7 of GDPR) 

Consent to the processing of a visitor's personal data is systematically obtained for one or more specific purposes. For example, when entering a newsletter subscription form or downloading a resource, obtaining the visitor's email address is intended to send them a notification when new publications are published or to offer them resources that may interest them.

4: Data retention 

The data collection on the site is kept for an unlimited period for identified contacts.

5 : Right of individuals (art.16 to 20 of GDPR) 

In accordance with the Data Protection Act and the GDPR, any person may exercise their right to access, rectify, oppose, limit processing, delete and transfer data concerning them by making a request by signed letter accompanied by a copy of an identity document to the address of Prolutech's head office.

The person responsible for the file will respond no later than one month following the request for access or rectification.

6: Data security and processing (art.32 of GDPR) 

The data collected on the site and the associated processing are hosted by the company Prolutech. Only people linked to the technical, marketing and sales department of the company Prolutech have access to the information collected on the site, via a personal identifier unique to the platform

7: Data breach and communication within 72 hours (art.33 and art. 34 of the GDPR) 

In the event of a violation or suspected violation of personal data, Prolutech and its subcontractors will notify the CNIL (national information science and liberties commission), 72 hours at the latest after becoming aware of it.

Privacy Policy : 

In order to provide the best possible experience, quality informative content, access to specific information such as resources and tutorials, a private area, the visitors to the site may be recquired to fill out forms, or even connect via a login and password. The information collected is then subject to computer processing made necessary for performance of the service. The recipients of the data are exclusively the people working for Prolutech.

In accordance with the "Information Technology and Freedoms" law of January 6th, 1978, amended in 2004, you have the right to access and rectify information concerning you, which you can exercise by contacting our support service at You can also, for legitimate reasons, object to the processing of data concerning you.

About cookies : 

We use cookies and similar technologies such as "HTLM5 Web Storage" or "Local Shared Objects" (hereinafter referred to as "cookies") to identify the preferences of websites visitors and to be able to design the website in the best way possible. The use of cookies helps to optimize navigation and make the website user-friendly.

What is a "cookie"? 

Cookies are small files that are saved on your device. They allow us to determine whether your device has already established communication with our pages. Only the cookie saved on your device is identified. Personal data may be savced in cookies if you give your consent or if this recording proves essential from a technical point of view, for example to allow connection to a protected domain.

How to disable cookies ? 

If you use our website, you agree to the use and storage of cookies on your device. You can still use our website without cookies, but this may limit the functionality of several areas of the website.

Most major browsers accept cookies automatically. You can prevent cookies from being stored on your device by selecting "block cookies" in the browser settings. You can delete cookies that are already stored on your device at any time. You can find the procedure for the most common browsers under the following links :

To find out how to delete cookies from your device, consult the user manual for your browser or the manufacturer of your device.

We divide cookies into the following categories

Type A - Essential cookies

These cookies are recquired to ensure he proper functioning of web pages and functions. The bsence of such cookies blocks the provision of the functions described below. 

Type B - Functional cookies 

These cookies help to optimise the user-friendliness and performance of websites and to offer various functions. For example, it is possible to store information in functional cookies to identify your shopping cart or comparison list. 

Type C - Perfomance cookies

These cookies collect information about how you use the website. Performance cookies help us, among other things, to identify particularly popular areas of our website. This enables us to adapt the content of our website precisely to your needs and thus improve our offer. Some of the information collected by these cookies is not personal, while other information is. You can find more information on the collection and analysis of this information under "evalutation of usage data" and in our data protection declaration in the section of the respective service.

Cookie's name Description Duration
PHPSESSIONID Proper functioning of the site Browser session
PrestaShop-id Proper functioning of the basket 24h
_ga Google Analytics - Traffic analysis 2 years
_gid Google Analytics - Traffic analysis 24h

It is possible to find certain cookies linked to your browsing on Google : 

Google cookie :

Cookie name Description Duration
1P_JAR Collecting websiti statistics and tracking conversion rates. 1 month
APISID, SSID Storing user preferences and information whenever they visit web pages that contain Google service. 2 year
CONSENT Registers a unique ID to keep statistics on Youtube videos the user has seen. 20 year
HSID, SID They contain encrypted and digitally signed records of a user's Google Account ID and most recent sign-in time. The combination of these two cookies allows us to block several types of attacks, such as attempts to steal the content of forms you fill out on web pages. 2 year
NID They contain a unique identifier that Google uses to remember your preferences and other information, such as your preferred language (e.g. English), the number of search results you would like to see per page (e.g. 10 or 20), and whether you would like Google's SafeSearch filter to be enabed. 6 months
SIDCC Protects user data from unauthorized access. 3 months