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Airstar LED Matrix: the beating heart of the Redtech balloon

You are now familiar with the range of illuminated balloons Sirocco Redtech by Airstar.

But have you ever wondered what's under the envelope? 

This video will tell you everything you need to know about the Airstar LED Matrixthe beating heart of the Sirocco Redtech balloon!

Find out exclusively what's going on inside your REDTECH balloon! 

Invented and manufactured in FRANCE, the Airstar matrix is an innovation at the cutting edge of technology that allows you to control your lighting at best. Indeed, thanks to this new technology, you can: control your LEDs remotely via a Bluetooth connection, increase or decrease the brightness, connect several balloons between them to direct them remotely from your phone. You can also activate the flashing light mode to indicate a danger. All these features are possible thanks to the Airstar matrix. If you want to discover and test all these features, you can request a demonstration by one of our sales representatives at the location of your choice:

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